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Our services

Customize your tutorials here!

Sophies Mind Tutorial Center.jpg
 Step 1: 

Face-to-face vs. Online vs. Both!

Sophie's Mind Tutorial Center
 Step 2: 

Skill-Building Tutorials vs.

After-School Tutorials

Sophie's Mind Tutorial Center
 Step 3: 

Unikid, Duokid, Triokid, and more!

Step 1:

Tutorial Platforms

Step 1

Tutorial Platforms

Please feel free to choose which platform is the most convenient & fit for your child's learning needs. Both our face-to-face and online tutorials have individualized tutorial programs and differentiated instructions, assisted by our teachers with big, big hearts to teaching who would surely address your child's tutoring needs.

Sophie's Mind Tutorial Center.jpg

          Let your child benefit from our face-to-face tutorials where they can have direct & personalized interaction with our loving & understanding teachers, socialize with other tutees, and keep themselves from distractions in online games.

✓ Onsite, center-
    based tutorials

✓ Safe & conveniently
    located in Capitol 
✓ Conducive learning

Sophie's Mind facilities

Tutorial set ups
Step 2:

Tutorial Programs

Step 2

Tutorial Programs

We understand your child's need to be academically prepared and productive in their after-school requirements and to be equipped with skills to become independent and holistic learners.


Thus, we ensure that our tutees can foster critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration with the help of our customized tutorial programs, differentiated instruction and relevant learning materials.

Tutorial programs
Step 3:

Tutorial Packages

Step 3

Tutorial Packages

Feel free to choose from our tutorial packages that would fit your child's tutoring needs and your budget.

Tutoria packages
Step 4 (you shan't miss!)

Slot Reservation

We'll be happy to assist you. :)

For better assistance with your questions and pencil bookings, kindly fill-up our Google Form here
Slot reservation
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