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#ParentsAsk: Is Homeschooling a Great Option?

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

With the sudden change of learning mode/platforms due to the pandemic, many parents have been asking for our advice on homeschooling. Questions ranging from “Teacher, how is it different from traditional schooling?” to “Teacher, what will be the learning set-up of my child then?” or even “Teacher, is it true and effective?” have been raised to us.

Hope our advice would help! Check them out on the 3-minute read below.

What is Homeschooling?

Homeschooling happens when kids are educated and graded at home by either their parent-teacher or a private tutor. It is a non-conventional way of schooling since the kids learn at their own pace in a given set-of-time following a curriculum of accredited homeschooling providers. (There are reputable and government recognized homeschooling providers around that you can vouch in.)

This schooling alternative gives many parents assurance of safe and secured learning which they can’t be sure of when the kids go out for a traditional/conventional school. Also, homeschooling helps many parents easily monitor the holistic progress of the kids without being prejudiced or bullied due to individual differences, beliefs, and preferences. On the kids’ side, it gives a convenient option since they don’t need to get up early, pack lunch, carry heavy school bags, hurry to go to school, and end up beating the traffic jam. And not to mention, homeschooling offers one-on-one student-teacher attention which gives light to whether the kids learn in their online classes (now an alternative and safe learning solution due to COVID-19) with usually 15 to 25 students per class.

What about the effects in social life of the homeschooled kids? Based on my experience, there are no negative effects on the social life of my homeschooled daughter. ‘Though, there were times when she wanted to know how she was she doing in regards to her academic performance in comparable to other kids who were attending a conventional school. So, the key here for a well developed social skill --- give the kids time to be with other kids. They can be joined and hanged-out together with their co-homeschoolers or to other children who belong to their same aged group. Give them time to mingle, play, discover and learn with each other. Let them be children who are spirited, bouncy, and love to explore! For now, they can be with the other kids online!

Yes, Mom and Dad! Homeschooling is great option!

Homeschooling greatly favors the kids’ safety, independence and self-paced learning as well as our convenience and peace of mind. You have the option to perfectly fit the best education for your child’s holistic growth! No to compromising their health, safety and future. You know what is best for them! It only needs a conducive learning place, government accredited curriculum, and skilled, full time parent-teacher. Then, voila, the kids’ schooling would be okay!

But what if you…

Let us say you have decided to homeschool your child. But then, you remember it is inconvenient for you to make their homeschooling easy. You’ve got work from home duties. You are required to complete your report, make a client call, and attend left and right Zoom/Teams meetings, etc. leaving no time to teach them.

Or on the other hand, what if you have the luxury of time and is very much willing to teach the kids but you lack the skills to teach. You need to homeschool a preschooler, but you don’t have the patience to play with them while naming and sounding the alphabet. You need to help your sixth-grade kid on Subject-Verb Agreement, but you find that lesson confusing. Or you need to teach the operations of polynomials and find the value of “x” in a given equation, but you have forgotten these lessons way back your high school days.

How Can We Help?

Sophie’s Mind Tutorial Center partners to homeschooling parents like you! Enroll to our online tutorials, and let your child learn easy in his homeschool journey!

  • one-student, one-teacher basis

  • individualized learning

  • professional, experienced, and with big-hearted teachers

  • fun and engaging online learning environment

  • GUARANTEED academic performance IMPROVEMENT (conditions apply)

To know more of our services,

Or call us:

09395659401 (Smart)

09158908364 (Globe)

09236031237 (Sun)

Together, let us partner in Sharing, Inspiring, and Motivating your children as they beget Wisdom while in journey of homeschooling!

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